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I became a Christ-follower about 15 years ago.
Over the years, I’ve run into many people who have found my beliefs quite peculiar. Why would I choose this? Have I been indoctrinated? Isn’t ‘religion’ restrictive? Christians believe some pretty far-out stuff after all. Here’s where I share a bit about what seeking God has done for me, and why I continue to choose to do life this way. Hope you enjoy…

What I'm too shy to tell you in person...

Creation because

Why would God create us knowing that sin and suffering would enter the world? 

The same reason a couple chooses to have a baby. 

The couple knows there’s a risk in bringing a child into this mind blowingly messed up world.

The couple knows the risk that the child might rebel, and lead a disastrous, destructive life- harming herself and others. 

The couple has the baby knowing that she might grow up to be an asshole, drug addict or even a mass murderer. 

So I pose the question, why does the couple still choose to create life? 

Because creating a human, loving her and being loved by her is worth the risk of her facing evil in this world. 

Because the couple isn’t picturing an ugly life for their baby, they’re picturing her beauty, her potential, her success, her splendor, her abundance and the joy she will bring to them. 

Because the couple is made in the image of God and they are by nature, creators. 

Because God’s character is revealed and explained in our own seemingly absurd choices- choices that go against logic and vote for hope and love. 

Look out for the clues revealed in nature. 

Don’t be fooled, God is good.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.